Corinna Wilden

Corinna Wilden

Voice Healing | Transformation Coach

Woman, mother, daughter, sister, singing soul, musician, educator, companion, community builder, voice (of the children)

As all this and much more, Corinna was born into her current earthly life in 1979.

She grew up in a very social, musical, but also traumatized family. Many close family deaths crossed her path and invited growth, grief, letting go, and new beginnings.

Today, she encounters death as a process of rebirth and as an end for a beginning: A part of life!

Her own life, that of her family, and the people she accompanies now takes place cyclically. Integrated into the processes of nature, both externally and internally.

Following intuition, the inner voice, she lives according to the guidance and teachings of many people of all ages, right now in southern Portugal.

She followed the call of a piece of land, which is currently in the birth process for her project L.O.M.E. She is the guardian of this place of birth, of life, and of death. In interaction with Mother Nature, Agri-Culture, inner guidance, and people, wonders are currently emerging here.

The wonders that you can allow to happen when you follow your intuition and give it authentic expression.

“When you are completely yourself and live your InnaVoiceLife, you die fulfilled!”

Enjoy this way of life – Yours, Corinna

More About Corinna Wilden

Understanding death. Seizing life.

„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle

If you can’t manage to be present live for all congress interviews, there’s a solution.

We offer two congress packages through which you can access all interviews and many extras at any time after the congress has ended.

With the Sunrise package, you get access to all content (videos and audio) for a small price.

With the Magic Bundle, in addition to the same full access, you receive numerous extras.

On the following page, you have the opportunity to purchase the congress package.