Miroslav Grosser
Voice Expert | Improvisational musician | Vocal Coach
My offers for you and your voice:
Holistic voice coaching for all professions and privately
Overtone singing in individual lessons (also online) and as a video course
Voice analysis as a meaningful tool for self-reflection
Concerts, performances, and studio recordings
CD productions with overtone-rich vocal and instrumental music
Lectures and interviews on voice and vocal training
Voice coaching with a holistic approach
Since the voice is connected to all levels of our human existence, it instantly reveals every blockage and tension. However, the experiences, thoughts, and feelings responsible for them can be released through the voice itself by being fully heard, felt, and expressed. In doing so, the energy and creative power bound within are liberated for a creative and fearless engagement with the present. This is immediately revealed in the sound of the voice, regardless of whether it is used for singing, speaking, or other purposes. Thus, I accompany people through voice training that encompasses their entire personality on their journey towards the freedom of vocal expression, which is always connected to the courage for truth, joy in life, and the power for creative change. The sound, as the essence of life, serves as a medium to consciously experience the interconnectedness of the various aspects of our human existence. This leads to alignment and harmony with ourselves and life.
more about Miroslav Grosser
Miroslavs Website
Miroslavs Video Course for Overtone Singing (german)
Gutschein-Code: otvk-38-gut
Die 8 Dimensionen Deiner Stimme ONLINE ab 1.10.24 (german)
44 € off with this Code: 8DDS
for the following Course
Miroslavs YouTube-Channel
Music-Downloads on Bandcamp
Listening Samples on Soundcloud
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Understanding death. Seizing life.
„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle
If you can’t manage to be present live for all congress interviews, there’s a solution.
We offer two congress packages through which you can access all interviews and many extras at any time after the congress has ended.
With the Sunrise package, you get access to all content (videos and audio) for a small price.
With the Magic Bundle, in addition to the same full access, you receive numerous extras.