Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kuhn
Medical Doctor | Specialist and University Lecturer
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. habil. Wilfried Kuhn, physician specializing in neurology and psychiatry, born in 1952, studied chemistry and medicine in Würzburg, earned a doctorate in biophysical chemistry on open systems, habilitated in the field of neurology in 1989 on biochemical changes in Parkinson’s disease.
From July 1, 2001, until September 30, 2017, he served as chief physician of the Neurological Clinic at the Leopoldina Hospital in Schweinfurt, Germany. He has authored over 350 scientific publications on neurological topics.
For approximately 25 years, he has been engaged in exploring the boundaries between spirituality and science. He has experience with various meditation techniques (Transcendental Meditation, Buddhist mindfulness meditation, Yoga of Light and Sound), as well as with Western spiritual movements (Rosicrucians, Grail mysticism). Since 1991, he has practiced Quiet Qi Gong according to Zhi Chang Li. He gives lectures and publishes on topics such as The Healing Brain, Qigong and the Brain, Altered States of Consciousness, Does God Reside in the Brain?, Out-of-Body Experiences, Neurobiology of Near-Death Experiences (NDE), Spiritual Crises and NDE, etc. He is a co-editor of publications on boundary experiences of dying, such as NDE and end-of-life care or NDE and spirituality (see Amazon).
🔹Nahtod-Erfahrungen und Spiritualität: Ein Leben in Verbundenheit (German Edition)
Understanding death. Seizing life.
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