Kolja Fark
Body therapist, movement expert, and Senior Stretch Therapy Teacher
The body therapist, movement expert, and Senior Stretch Therapy Teacher works with his method precisely in tune with the times, uniquely combining body awareness, flexibility, and regulation of the nervous system.
For more than 15 years, I immersed myself intensely in Chinese martial arts and movement arts. Tai Chi, Qigong, and meditation… I had hardly anything else on my mind and fully immersed myself.
So, I trained and meditated basically all day, attended silent retreats, traveled to masters… the whole program.
more about Kolja Fark
Free Video Practice (German)
Understanding death. Seizing life.
„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle
If you can’t manage to be present live for all congress interviews, there’s a solution.
We offer two congress packages through which you can access all interviews and many extras at any time after the congress has ended.
With the Sunrise package, you get access to all content (videos and audio) for a small price.
With the Magic Bundle, in addition to the same full access, you receive numerous extras.