Karoline Steinmann-Frey
Mystagogue | Mystic | Author
Welcome to the world of love,
In this indescribable elixir,
That deeply fulfills you in every moment.
Delighted and nourished from within.
I am at home here.
In this world.
And I warmly welcome you here.
As a mystic and messenger, I receive messages from the source about life on Earth from the perspective of love. And this is deeply soothing, clarifying, and nourishing.
Through the consciousness, energy, and vibration of the messages, you come into contact with the purest light, which also speaks in a poetic form through me or with us. And thus, together, we immerse ourselves in this pure consciousness, not made by human hands.
more about Karoline Steinmann-Frey
Understanding death. Seizing life.
„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle
If you can’t manage to be present live for all congress interviews, there’s a solution.
We offer two congress packages through which you can access all interviews and many extras at any time after the congress has ended.
With the Sunrise package, you get access to all content (videos and audio) for a small price.
With the Magic Bundle, in addition to the same full access, you receive numerous extras.