Isaac Shapiro
Internationally known spiritual teacher & speaker
Isaac Shapiro is an internationally known facilitator, fascinated with life lived in alignment with the world’s wisdom traditions. He enjoys exploring and assisting those who share this interest.
How do we live our lives moment by moment? This enquiry considers how we relate to ourselves and to others, how we parent, do business and interact with our environment.
His approach is to ask questions and make statements. He asks participants in his meetings to question and see if what he says is true in their own being. This approach points to what is already known, but obscured in the ways our nervous system and our thinking function.
He brings an understanding of neurophysiology and some of the latest discoveries in Quantum physics and applies this when the occasion requires in a light hearted but direct way.
“All we have is the sensory experience of this moment, NOW. This moment is only an experience to us. That’s all we have. The world, time, space, our own bodies and each other are all an experience to us.”
“Through noticing how our cells respond in the experience of now, there is a noticing of the production of not only the sense of reality but also the sense of self that we believe we have.”
Through years of working with people, Isaac has cultivated and refined an ability to track what is happening in the nervous system of participants. Bringing this awareness to peoples attention, allows our natural, innate self-regulating mechanism to be re-established.
We all have unconscious habits of attention, that cause discomfort to ourselves, and the ones closest to us, and indeed to all with whom we are associated. All reality is experienced through these unconscious habits, which function as cognitive filters, and make it almost impossible for us to recognize them. Therefore it can be of enormous value, to have someone who is perceptive at this level, to assist us.
The beauty of this invitation is that nothing needs to be changed, fixed, or eliminated. It is a non-dualistic, non-judgmental enquiry into our present being. Everything happens through the agency of awareness.
As we bring awareness to these unconscious habits, there is a shift that occurs. In the course of investigation, people spontaneously recognize the true nature of themselves, which many report as the experience of peace, unconditional love, compassion, or simply of being home.
Love always, Isaac
Understanding death. Seizing life.
„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle
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With the Sunrise package, you get access to all content (videos and audio) for a small price.
With the Magic Bundle, in addition to the same full access, you receive numerous extras.