Dr. med. Christine Hanson
Dr. med. Christine Hanson has been a neurosurgeon for over 10 years, approaching daily the deepest understanding of the miracle that is our brain. She has always had a profound interest in understanding how things actually work and connect. She now links the various aspects of the physical level (in all the wonderful processes that occur in our body), the psychosomatic level, as well as the mental and subtle levels. After impactful and traumatic experiences in her life, Christine entered the process of conscious awakening after the birth of her second daughter and opened herself to the possible existence of EVERYTHING. Then the unthinkable happened:
She found herself. Started perceiving herself in other dimensions. Far from roles and definitions. Found her voice. Speaks her truth. No more dissociation. No facade. Since then, she experiences the different levels and dimensions, shapes her life, and witnesses divine magic.
In addition to her work as a clinical physician, Christine accompanies people as a coach in their transformation processes towards their golden essence. Into multidimensional perception. Out of powerlessness and into the unfolding of absolute effectiveness.
Because that’s what it’s really about: experiencing life in its fullest intensity. Total embodiment and grounding of our true essence in genuine freedom. Possibilities and vibrancy. Joy in playing this game and experimenting with it.
Christine stands for overcoming blockages and limitations in seconds, for reprogramming the subconscious, and for applying mystical rules and laws for absolute self-transformation. In liberated self-responsibility. Because we are not helpless and can simply influence EVERYTHING ourselves.
Find out more about Christine Hanson
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Understanding death. Seizing life.
„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle
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