Chris Kattoll
Business mentor for healers of the new era | Author
We are Chris and Katie Kattoll, we have 6 children together, and our home base has been in Costa Rica since 2010. Previously, we were known as “The SundanceFamily”.
We are visionaries, pioneers, and growth companions for families in freedom, as well as business mentors of the new era. We have been supporting families for so many years in so many areas. We are Germany’s longest-standing and most experienced online business mentors (for almost 15 years), the ones who brought the online congress movement to Germany in 2014, and have since mentored hundreds of congress organizers. We support healers, therapists, naturopaths, coaches, and artists in reaching six or seven figures by working less.
We have reached millions of people and generated millions of euros with our online business. We have supported over 2000 online entrepreneurs in growing and embodying more freedom and greatness. We were already “influencers” years before the term was even invented, with hundreds of millions of views on our social media channels. Chris is a bestselling author, and is known not only from YouTube but also from television, radio, and magazines.
We particularly enjoy helping moms and dads to find freedom, and helping other lightworkers to turn their soul mission into an online business, to grow it, and to achieve and live true freedom.
Together with our 6 children, we live an intuitive and very free life.
Since 2010, our base has been in Costa Rica, where we spend a good part of the year, together with many, many animals, even though traveling worldwide as a family remains part of our lifestyle. Alongside our children, we run the “Sundancefamily Foundation”, through which we have been rescuing and rehoming stray animals in Costa Rica for many years.
More about Chris Kattoll
MoneyFlow – FREE German Business Workshop – As Healer into abundance (worth 444€)
FREE German MoneyHealing Workshop – Find and live the wealth within you (worth 222 €)
SoulFlow Academy – The Consciousness School of the New Era
Our (German) bestselling book: Mit 6 Kindern um die Welt (Traveling around the world with 6 children)
Understanding death. Seizing life.
„Peace in the Light” Summit Bundle
If you can’t manage to be present live for all congress interviews, there’s a solution.
We offer two congress packages through which you can access all interviews and many extras at any time after the congress has ended.
With the Sunrise package, you get access to all content (videos and audio) for a small price.
With the Magic Bundle, in addition to the same full access, you receive numerous extras.